Weston Longville Solar Farm

Weston Longville Solar Farm is a 10MW utility scale solar farm developed in 2012 and commissioned in 2013. ESCO Developments secured the land, planning permissions and grid connection over a six month period in 2012. Construction of the project was then completed by our preferred EPC contractor in under three months in 2013.
The site is located off Rectory road, Weston Longville and is part of the overall land holding of Woodforde farm. It is adjacent to a public road, and sits within a gently undulating rural landscape of largely arable fields, interspersed with trees and hedgerows.
Planning was achieved by delegated decision, without the need to go to the planning committee.

System Size 10.5MWp
Farm area 19 Hectares
Constructor Belectric
Planning Authorities Broadland District Council
Commisioned March 2013
Value approx £19 million
Planning consultants Sitec IS
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